If you are looking for a fast and easy way to take out a loan, you might be thinking about visiting one of the local pawn shops. After all, you might have taken out a pawn loan before or heard about how easy they are. If you're looking for the best place to take out a pawn loan in Chesapeake, all you have to do is visit us at Greenbrier Pawn, a Glenda Craddock pawn shop. There's no reason to look elsewhere -- we can help you with all of your pawn loan needs, as well as any other pawn shop services that you need. Have questions about borrowing with us? You can find plenty of information right here on our website, or give us a call at 757-382-9066...our staff will be more than happy to answer your questions and assist you with each step of taking out a pawn loan.

What are Pawn Loans?
Never taken out a pawn loan? You've been missing out on a great way to borrow money! Pawn loans are a fantastic option for anyone who wants to borrow money without a credit check.
Here's how they work -- you bring in an item of value to use as collateral to secure your loan. This could be a firearm, a piece of gold jewelry, a diamond ring, an Apple laptop, or pretty much any other item of value. We'll assess the value of the item, then make you a loan offer. If you accept, you'll leave your item with us until you repay your loan. Then, when the loan has been repaid in accordance with the terms on your pawn ticket, you'll get your item back.
Because we secure your loan in this way, we are able to grant loans to more people -- all without a credit check. It's a mutually beneficial arrangement that makes it easy for basically anyone to get a loan, regardless of their credit score. Plus, since your loan amount is based on the value of the collateral that you bring in, you choose how much you borrow -- from $5 to $50,000!
Which Pawn Shops Are Best for Pawn Loans?
All pawn shops offer pawn loans, but that doesn't mean they're all created equally. Some pawn shops make lower loan offers than others. Plus, pawn shops do vary in what they take for their pawn loans. If you're looking for a flexible pawnbroker that offers pawn loans on all different types of items of value, and that pays the most whether you're pawning or selling, you should always rely on a Glenda Craddock pawn shop. That means Greenbrier Pawn in Chesapeake, or our second location, Hilltop Pawn, if you're in Virginia Beach. At either store, we will look out for you and help you with an easy cash loan!
Looking to take out a fast and easy pawn loan in Chesapeake? Let us help! Borrowing money is easy when you choose Greenbrier Pawn. Stop in today -- no appointment is necessary! Or, you can give us a call at 757-382-9066 for more information. We are looking forward to hearing from you!